Bahasa Indonesia
Banyak orang Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia merasa “rendah diri” ketika berhadapan dengan mereka yang lulus dari perguruan tinggi luar negeri. Begini caranya yang dilakukan oleh saya pribadi terhadap bidang studi saya: Teknik (Rekayasa) Sistem dan Industri (Industrial & Systems Engineering) agar berkualifikasi internasional.
Meskipun saya adalah lulusan Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISE) dari ITB yang “hanya” memiliki peringkat 801 dunia (peringkat 2 Indonesia) tetapi tetap percaya diri bahwa saya tidak akan kalah dari lulusan perguruan tinggi nomor 1 dunia yaitu lulusan dari California Institute of Technology (Caltech) seperti terlampir. Bagaimana caranya?
Cari di website Caltech tentang bidang ilmu kita. Saya memperoleh website yang berkaitan dengan keahlian saya sebagai berikut:
Lihat informasi dalam website dari PT peringkat No 1 dunia itu, berupa bidang keahlian apa yang harus saya tingkatkan sesuai dengan bidang keilmuan kita. Setelah itu pilih kursus-kursus singkat bersertifikat langsung dari universitas top dunia itu sebagai “perantara” untuk mencapai kualifikasi kelas dunia. Saya pribadi memilih kursus singkat tentang Lean Six Sigma melalui website berikut:
Setelah memperoleh sertifikat, maka belajar lebih giat untuk mengikuti ujian sertifikasi dari asosiasi profesional kelas dunia, untuk bidang saya adalah Lean Six Sigma dari the American Society for Quality (ASQ), Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) dan Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) dari APICS (d/h the American Production and Inventory Control Society). Informasi sertifikasi kelas dunia itu bisa dilihat dalam website berikut:
- http://asq.org/cert
- http://asq.org/cert/six-sigma-black-belt
- http://www.apics.org/careers-education-professional-development/certification
Setelah memperoleh sertifikasi kelas dunia di atas, maka bilang kepada diri sendiri bahwa meskipun saya lulusan lokal TETAPI berkualifikasi internasional (kelas dunia). Siapa Takut menghadapi persaingan dalam pasar tenaga kerja internasional? Bukankah Indonesia juga dunia dan merupakan internasional. Mengapa harus rendah diri kepada mereka yang lulusan luar negeri? Bukankah sama-sama di dunia?
Sertifikasi Dosen (Serdos) juga untuk tambah income bulanan. Bagaimana mungkin dunia pendidikan di Indonesia akan maju apabila guru/dosen masih memikirkan tambahan income bulanan untuk menghidupkan keluarga mereka? Konsekuensinya lulusan pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia yang TIDAK CERDAS & TIDAK KREATIF akan mengalami kesulitan memasuki pasar tenaga kerja baik di Indonesia, ASEAN, maupun internasional. Apalagi ditambah metode pembelajaran usang di perguruan tinggi Indonesia, di mana berdasarkan riset (terlampir: Edgar Dale’s Cone of Learning) bahwa mahasiswa HANYA mampu mengingat apa yang diajarkan dalam waktu terbatas. Setelah semester berlalu TELAH lupa, sehingga waktu dinyatakan LULUS dan wisuda HANYA memperoleh kebanggaan semu karena “tidak paham bagaimana aplikasinya”.
Akibat dari metode pembelajaran usang yang masih dipraktekkan dalam dunia perguruan tinggi di Indonesia sehingga di samping lulusan PT Indonesia TIDAK KOMPETITIF juga peringkat PT Indonesia sangat rendah di Asean maupun dunia. Anehnya BUKAN memperbaiki metode pembelajaran dan meningkatkan kualifikasi dosen-dosen TETAPI menteri riset dan pendidikan tinggi bermaksud merekrut Rektor Asing. Tidak ada jaminan bahwa orang asing akan mampu meningkatkan peringkat PT Indonesia, KECUALI menambah popularitas saja bagi PT yang dipimpin oleh Rektor Asing itu karena orang-orang di Indonesia masih mengalami KRISIS kepercayaan diri, dan merasa “bangga” dengan hal-hal yang berbau Asing.
Suggestions and Strategies for Smart and Creative Graduates: No Need to Wait for Universities in Indonesia to be Led by Foreign Rectors
Many university graduates in Indonesia feel “inferior” when dealing with those who graduated from foreign universities. Here is what I personally did towards my field of study: Industrial & Systems Engineering in order to have international qualification.
Although I am an Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISE) graduate from ITB which is “only” ranked 801st in the world (ranked 2nd in Indonesia); but I remain confident that I would not lose from graduates of number 1 university in the world, which are California Institute of Technology (Caltech) graduates as seen above. How to do it?
Search on Caltech website about our field of study. I obtained a link related to my expertise as follows:
Look at the information on the website of that world’s number 1 university, about which expertise that you need to improve in accordance with your scientific field. After that, pick directly certified short courses from that world’s top university as as an “intermediary” to achieve world-class qualification. I personally picked the short course about Lean Six Sigma through the following link:
After obtaining the certificate, then study harder to take the certification exam from a world-class professional association; for my fields, those are Lean Six Sigma from the American Society for Quality (ASQ), Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) and Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) from APICS (the American Production and Inventory Control Society). Information about those world-class certifications can be seen on the following websites:
- http://asq.org/cert
- http://asq.org/cert/six-sigma-black-belt
- http://www.apics.org/careers-education-professional-development/certification
After obtaining the world-class certification above, then tell yourself that even though I am a local graduate, BUT I have international (world-class) qualification. Who’s Afraid of facing competition in the international labor market? Isn’t Indonesia part of the world and international too? Why should we feel inferior to those who are foreign graduates? Aren’t we equally together in this world?
Sertifikasi Dosen (Serdos) // Lecturer certification is also to enable increase in the monthly income. How could it be possible for Indonesian education world to advance if the teachers/lecturers still have to think about additional monthly income to support their families? Consequently, university graduates in Indonesia who are NOT SMART & NOT CREATIVE will have difficulties entering the labor market whether in Indonesia, ASEAN, or internationally. Moreover, coupled with the outdated teaching methods in Indonesian universities, where based on the research (attached: Edgar Dale’s Cone of Learning), students are ONLY able to remember what is taught in a limited time. After the semester is over, students would Have already forgotten, so that when they will finally have passed and graduated, they ONLY have false pride as they “do not understand how the applications work”.
As a result of the outdated teaching methods that is still being practiced in the world of higher education in Indonesia, in addition to Indonesian graduates become NOT COMPETITIVE, Indonesia’s higher education ranking is also very low in ASEAN or the world. Surprisingly, INSTEAD of improving the teaching methods and improving the lecturers’ qualification, the Minister of Research and Higher Education intends to recruit Foreign Rector. There is no guarantee that foreigners will be able to increase the ranking of Indonesia’s higher education, EXCEPT it would only add the popularity to the universities led by those Foreign Rectors because people in Indonesia are still experiencing CRISIS of confidence, and feel “proud” to things with foreign attached to them.
Best Regards for SUCCESS.