Bahasa Indonesia
Oleh: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt & Certified Management System Lead Specialist
Apa yang terlintas dalam pemikiran ketika kita melihat Bagan 1 terlampir: Tidak tahu apa-apa, Bingung, Crowded, Frustrasi, Tidak Peduli, dll? Semua itu menggambarkan pola pikir (mindset) yang ada di kepala kita berkaitan dengan Integrated Management Systems sekaligus menunjukkan “kerumitan berpikir” kita selama ini yang membuat KOMPETENSI (Effectiveness of Competence = EC) kita RENDAH! Karakteristik utama dari “kerumitan pola pikir kuno” adalah RUMIT, TERLALU BERTELE-TELE, dan STM (Sibuk Tak Menentu) TANPA menghasilkan kinerja yang ruuuarrrr biasa (lebih dari luar biasa).
Cara TERBAIK untuk memahami Sistem-sistem Manajemen Terintegrasi dalam era informasi sekarang ini adalah membersihkan semua pola pikir kita yang SALAH selama ini yaitu berpikir PARSIAL, Terkotak-kotak, dll sehingga diibaratkan seperti “kertas putih yang SIAP ditulis kembali dengan TINTA EMAS” yang terintegrasi dalam pola pikir Sistem-sistem Manajemen Terintegrasi.
Menghadapi era baru dalam aplikasi Sistem-Sistem Manajemen Terintegrasi (Mulai dari tahun 2015 ke depan), maka satu-satu landasan berpikir dan KOMPETENSI yang harus dipahami adalah: mengacu kepada Annex SL High Level Structure of ISO.
Annex SL (High Level Structure of ISO) adalah format Sistem Manajemen Baru yang membantu merampingkan (memadatkan) pembuatan standar-standar baru dan memudahkan aplikasi beberapa standar internasional (lebih dari 2, 3, 4, 5, dst) sekaligus dalam satu organisasi. Annex SL (HLS of ISO) menyediakan struktur dasar dan teks standar untuk memahami standar sistem-sistem manajemen internasional secara terintegrasi, ringkas, mudah, efektif dan efisien.
Aplikasi Annex SL (HLS of ISO) dalam sistem-sistem manajemen terintegrasi HARUS mengikuti 10 klausul berikut:
- Scope
- Normative References
- Terms and Definitions
- Context of the Organization
- Understanding Organization and Its Context
- Understanding Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties
- Determining Scope of the Integrated Management Systems
- Integrated Management Systems
- Leadership
- Leadership and Commitment
- Policy
- Organization Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities
- Planning
- Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities
- Objectives and Planning
- Planning of Changes
- Support
- Resources
- Competence
- Awareness
- Communication
- Documented Information
- General
- Creating and Updating
- Control of Documented Information
- Operation
- Operational Planning and Control
- Performance Evaluation
- Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis, and Evaluation
- Internal Audit
- Management Review
- Improvement
- Nonconformity and Corrective Action
- Continual Improvement
Jika kita memperhatikan 10 klausul dalam Annex SL (HLS of ISO), maka secara CERDAS kita HARUS membangun Tiga Pillar Utama dalam sistem-sistem manajemen terintegrasi apa saja yang akan diterapkan dalam organisasi apa saja (public or private).
Ketiga Pilar utama itu adalah:
- Pilar Integrated Processes yang terdiri dari integrated people process, integrated suppliers process, integrated operational process, integrated support process, and integrated customers process.
- Pilar Integrated Risks yaitu bertanggung jawab untuk aplikasi sistem manajemen risiko ke semua integrated processes pada poin 1 di atas.
- Pilar Integrated Audits yaitu melakukan audit secara terintegrasi terhadap semua integrated processes dalam poin 1 di atas.
Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, maka Vincent Gaspersz mengajukan 4 langkah berikut untuk menyederhanakan langkah-langkah dimulai dari desain, implementasi, monitoring dan evaluasi, audit internal, dan perbaikan terus-menerus dari semua integrated management systems (lebih dari 2, 3, 4, 5, dst) yang diterapkan dalam organisasi apa saja (public or private), sebagai berikut:
- Langkah pertama: Mengidentifikasi semua proses yang ada dalam organisasi (public or private), kemudian mengintegrasikan proses-proses itu ke dalam integrated processes yang mencakup: integrated people process, integrated suppliers process, integrated operational process, integrated support process, and integrated customers process.
- Langkah kedua: Memasukan pertimbangan manajemen risiko sejak awal desain dan perencanaan integrated processes dalam langkah pertama, kemudian memonitor dan menurunkan terus-menerus risiko-risiko di dalam proses-proses terintegrasi dalam langkah pertama itu menggunakan pola pikir berbasis risiko (risks-based thinking). ISO 31000 (Sistem Manajemen Risiko) dapat dijadikan panduan dalam langkah kedua ini.
- Langkah ketiga: Secara periodik (setiap 6 bulan) melakukan audit internal terhadap semua integrated processes dalam langkah pertama di atas sebagai bentuk pertanggung-jawaban PROFESIONAL atas aplikasi semua integrated management systems (lebih dari 2, 3, 4, 5, dst) di dalam organisasi apa saja (public or private). ISO 19011 tentang Panduan Audit Sistem-sistem Manajemen dapat dijadikan referensi untuk langkah ketiga ini.
- Langkah keempat: Mengelola semua integrated processes dalam langkah pertama di atas, menggunakan PDCA for SUCCESS (Hasil kreasi dan modifikasi ciptaan Vincent Gaspersz) berbasiskan kepemimpinan 360-Derajat versi John Maxwell yang pernah diposting dalam blog ini.
Catatan: bagi organisasi Lean Six Sigma, maka metodologi DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) dapat dipakai secara bersamaan dengan PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act). Referensi metodologi DMAIC dapat menggunakan ISO 13053-1: Metodologi DMAIC.
Jika keempat langkah di atas berhasil diterapkan, maka akan membebaskan manajemen organisasi apa saja (public or private) dari berbagai redundancy (keadaan berlebihan dalam segala hal yang TIDAK BERMANFAAT) baik berkaitan dengan kelebihan penggunaan orang, materials, informasi, dokumentasi, waktu, energi, dan berbagai sumber daya lain yang TIDAK EFEKTIF dan TIDAK EFISIEN sehingga menghilangkan “kata sibuk, tidak ada waktu, dll” seperti ditunjukkan dalam Bagan 2 terlampir.
Entering a New Era in the Implementation of Integrated International Management Systems
By: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt & Certified Management System Lead Specialist
What does come to mind when we look at the attached Chart 1 above? Do not know anything, Confused, Crowded, Frustrated, Do not Caring, etc.? All of those illustrate the mindset within our heads related Integrated Management Systems as well as show our “complexity of thinking” all this time that keeps our COMPETENCE (Effectiveness of Competence = EC) LOW! The main characteristics of the “complexity of the old mindset” are COMPLICATED, TOO LONG-WINDED, and STM (Sibuk Tak Menentu // Uncertainly Busy) WITHOUT producing exxxtraaaordinary performance (more than extraordinary).
The BEST way to understand Integrated Management Systems in today’s information age is to clear all our WRONG MINDSET so far, which is to think PARTIALLY, COMPONENTLY, etc., so it is likened to a “kertas putih yang SIAP ditulis kembali dengan TINTA EMAS // blank paper that is READILY rewritten with GOLDEN INK” that is integrated within the Mindset of Integrated Management Systems.
Facing a new era in the application of Integrated Management Systems (Beginning from 2015 onwards), then the one basis of thinking and COMPETENCE that must be understood is: to refer to the Annex SL High Level Structure of ISO.
Annex SL (High Level Structure of ISO) is a New Management System format that helps streamlining (compressing) the creation of new standards and facilitating the application of several international standards (more than 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.) simultaneously within one organization. Annex SL (HLS of ISO) provides the basic structure and standardized text to understand the standards of international management systems in an integrated, concise, easy, effective and efficient way.
Annex SL (HLS of ISO) Applications in integrated management systems MUST follow the following 10 clauses:
- Scope
- Normative References
- Terms and Definitions
- Context of the Organization
- Understanding Organization and Its Context
- Understanding Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties
- Determining Scope of the Integrated Management Systems
- Integrated Management Systems
- Leadership
- Leadership and Commitment
- Policy
- Organization Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities
- Planning
- Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities
- Objectives and Planning
- Planning of Changes
- Support
- Resources
- Competence
- Awareness
- Communication
- Documented Information
- General
- Creating and Updating
- Control of Documented Information
- Operation
- Operational Planning and Control
- Performance Evaluation
- Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis, and Evaluation
- Internal Audit
- Management Review
- Improvement
- Nonconformity and Corrective Action
- Continual Improvement
If we look at the 10 clauses in the Annex SL (HLS of ISO), then INTELLIGENTLY, we MUST build the Three Main Pillar in any integrated management system that will be applied in any organization (public or private).
Those three main pillars are:
- Pillar of Integrated Processes, which consists of integrated people process, integrated suppliers process, integrated operational process, integrated support process, and integrated customers process.
- Pillar of Integrated Risks, which is to be responsible for risk management system application to all those integrated processes in point 1 above.
- Pillar of Integrated Audits, which is to do integrated audits toward all those integrated processes in point 1 above.
Based on the above explanations, Vincent Gaspersz then proposes the following 4 steps to simplify the steps, starting from design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, internal audit, and continuous improvement of all integrated management systems (more than 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.) that are applied in any organization (public or private), as follows:
- First Step: Identifying all existing processes within the organization (public or private), then integrating those processes into integrated processes that include: integrated people process, integrated suppliers process, integrated operational process, integrated support process, and integrated customers process.
- Second Step: Incorporating risk management considerations from the start of designing and planning of integrated processes in first step, then monitoring and decreasing continuously the risks in integrated processes within that first step using a risk-based mindset. ISO 31000 (Risk Management System) can be used as a guide in this second step.
- Third step: Periodically (every 6 months) performing internal audits of all integrated processes in the first step above as a form of PROFESSIONAL accountability for the application of all integrated management systems (more than 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.) within any organization (public or private). ISO 19011 on the Audit Guides to Management Systems can be used as a reference for this third step.
- Fourth step: Managing all integrated processes in the first step above, using PDCA for SUCCESS (based on the leadership of the 360-Degree John Maxwell version that has been posted on this blog.
Note: For Lean Six Sigma organizations, then DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) methodology can be used simultaneously with PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act). Reference for DMAIC methodology can use ISO 13053-1: DMAIC Methodology.
If the above four steps are successfully implemented, then it will free the management of any organization (public or private) from various redundancies that are related to the excess usages of people, materials, information, documentation, time, energy, and various other resources that are NOT EFFECTIVE and NOT EFFICIENT; thus it eliminates “the words of busy, no time, etc.” as shown in the attached Chart 2 below.
Best Regards for SUCCESS.