Bahasa Indonesia
Seorang konsultan Asing mengaku bahwa dirinya memiliki APICS certified. Ketika ditanya certified dalam bidang apa? Yang bersangkutan tidak bisa menjawab. He he…jangan asal-asal mengaku bergelar profesional dari APICS (the American Production and Inventory Control Society) di hadapan pemegang gelar asli dari APICS: CFPIM = Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management (gelar tertinggi dari APICS setelah CPIM = Certified in Production and Inventory Management) dan CSCP = Certified Supply Chain Professional.
Itulah yang perlu diberikan pemahaman kepada orang-orang Indonesia agar jangan “rendah diri (rendah hati boleh)” dihadapan orang-orang asing yang tidak jelas latar belakang profesionalnya. Ada juga pengalaman lucu yang lain: yaitu memasang gelar MASQ, MAPICS, dibelakang nama mereka. Ketika ditanya apa itu MASQ dan MAPICS, baru ketahuan bahwa MASQ = Member of ASQ (American Society for Quality), MAPICS = Member of APICS, dll. Ah kalau hanya member cukup bayar USD$200 per tahun telah boleh menjadi member dan setiap orang siapapun juga bisa menjadi member. Sedangkan Professional Certification dikeluarkan oleh asosiasi profesional yang HARUS memenuhi persyaratan ujian kompetensi tertentu. Sebagai misal ASQ Certification berbeda dengan (Training) Certificate terlampir.
Salam SUCCESS. GBU and fam.
Ready to Face ASEAN Economic Community
A Foreign consultant claimed that he was APICS certified. When asked, “Certified in what field?”, The consultant could not answer. He he…don’t carelessly claim to have professional title from APICS (the American Production and Inventory Control Society) in front of the genuine title holder from APICS: CFPIM = Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management (the highest title from APICS after CPIM = Certified in Production and Inventory Management) and CSCP = Certified Supply Chain Professional.
That’s what ought to be given understanding to Indonesian people so that don’t feel “inferior” (being humble is alright) in front of foreigners who have unclear professional backgrounds. There was also another funny experience: which was putting titles MASQ and MAPICS after their names. When asked, “What are MASQ and MAPICS?”, it was just discovered that MASQ = Member of ASQ (American Society for Quality) and MAPICS = Member of APICS. Ah! If it’s only a member, you’d only need to pay
USD$200 per year, which then you’d have been allowed to be a member and anybody can be a member. Whereas Professional Certification that is issued by a professional association MUST meet the requirements of specific competency exam. For example, ASQ Certification is different from Training Certificate as seen below.
Best Regards for SUCCESS. GBU and fam.