Bahasa Indonesia
Meskipun buku ini MASIH bersifat Introduction bagi PEMULA yang belajar Six Sigma TETAPI telah CUKUP SULIT bagi mereka yang BUKAN berlatar belakang Pendidikan STATISTIKA TERAPAN. Bagaimanapun dapat dijadikan REFERENSI bagi mereka yang ingin mempelajari analisis-analisis kuantitatif menggunakan pendekatan STATISTIKA dalam memahami Metodologi Six Sigma dalam industri.
Ebook tentang Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Six Sigma: Statistical Quality Control and Design of Experiments and Systems (21 Bab, 531 halaman) membahas secara lengkap tentang berbagai pendekatan metode statistika dalam fungsi-fungsi industri seperti tampak dalam bagan terlampir.
Sebagai seorang PRAKTISI dan Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, saya merekomendasikan buku ini sebagai dasar dalam penyusunan kurikulum Teknik dan Manajemen Industri di perguruan tinggi Indonesia yang mampu mengintegrasikan mata kuliah: Statistika Industri, Design of Experiments, Sistem Produksi, Statistical Process Control & Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management, dll dalam kerangka membangun pemahaman manajemen SISTEM BISNIS yang mengintegrasikan mulai dari Memahami Kebutuhan Pasar, Pemasaran, Rekayasa Desain (Design Engineering), Procurement (Supplier Management & Purchasing), Rekayasa Proses (Process Engineering), Produksi, Logistik dan Penjualan. Dengan demikian maka lulusan Teknik dan Manajemen Industri akan MAMPU ber-KOMPETISI di Pasar Tenaga Kerja Indonesia maupun ASEAN.
Bagi mereka yang tertarik memahami ebook ini silakan download GRATIS di sini:
Information for Students/Lecturers/Practitioners of Engineering and Industrial Management
Although this book is STILL Introductory for Beginners who are learning Six Sigma, BUT it has been DIFFICULT ENOUGH for those who DO NOT have APPLIED STATISTICS educational background. Anyhow it can be made as a REFERENCE for those who want to learn quantitative analyzes using the STATISTICAL approach in understanding the Six Sigma methodology in industry.
Ebook tentang Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Six Sigma: Statistical Quality Control and Design of Experiments and Systems (21 Bab, 531 halaman) membahas secara lengkap tentang berbagai pendekatan metode statistika dalam fungsi-fungsi industri seperti tampak dalam bagan terlampir.
The Ebook on Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Six Sigma: Statistical Quality Control and Design of Experiments and Systems (21 Chapters, 531 pages) completely discusses the various approaches of statistical methods in industrial functions as shown in the attached chart above.
As a PRACTITIONER and a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, I recommend this book as a foundation in the preparation of the Engineering and Industrial Management curriculum in Indonesian universities that are able to integrate the courses of: Industrial Statistics, Design of Experiments, Production Systems, Statistical Process Control & Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management, etc., in the framework of building the understanding of BUSINESS SYSTEM management that integrates from Understanding Market Needs, Marketing, Design Engineering, Procurement (Supplier Management & Purchasing), Process Engineering, Production, Logistics and Sales. Thus, the graduates of Industrial Engineering and Management will be able to COMPETE in Indonesian and ASEAN Labor Markets.
For those interested in understanding this ebook, please download it for FREE here:
Best Regards for SUCCESS.