Bahasa Indonesia
Studi Kasus: Pembelajaran Atas Keberhasilan Korea Selatan
Oleh: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt & Certified Management System Lead Specialist
- American Production and Inventory Control Society (www.apics.org) Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM), Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management (CFPIM) and Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP);
- American Society for Quality (www.asq.org) Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE), Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), Certified Quality Auditor (CQA), Certified Quality Improvement Associate (CQIA), and Certified Six Sigma Black Belt;
- International Quality Federation (www.iqf.org) Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt (CSSMBB);
- Registration Accreditation Board (www.exemplarglobal.org) Certified Management System Auditor (CMSA), Certified Management System Practitioneer (CMSP), Certified Management System Specialist (CMSS), and Certified Management System Lead Specialist (CMSLS).
Korea Selatan merdeka pada tanggal 15 Agustus 1945 (meskipun baru mulai dirayakan pada 15 Agustus 1948) sedangkan Indonesia merdeka pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945. Mengapa Indonesia harus dibandingkan dengan Korea Selatan, yang tingkat kemajuannya telah jauh melampaui Indonesia? Karena kedua negara ini memulai pembangunan secara bersamaan dan merdeka juga dalam waktu yang hampir bersamaan. Kedua negara ini, Indonesia dan Korea Selatan adalah negara-negara yang jumlah penduduknya miskin ketika memulai pembangunan ekonomi dan industri (perbedaan pada Indonesia kaya akan sumber daya alam vs. Korea Selatan miskin akan sumber daya alam). Namun kedua negara ini berbeda seperti bumi dengan langit pada tahun 2017 ini.
Korea Selatan pada tahun 1960 merupakan negara miskin (pendapatan per kapita USD 79) dengan tanpa sumber daya alam yang memadai, namun melalui penerapan strategi industrialisasi berorientasi ekspor yang ditunjang oleh fokus pembangunan pada sumber daya manusia dalam wadah koperasi secara intensif dan meluas sehingga mampu meningkatkan produktivitas sumber daya manusia nasional Korea Selatan secara dramatis, sehingga telah membawa Korea Selatan pada tahun 2016 telah berpendapatan per kapita USD 25.458,90 (https://tradingeconomics.com/south-korea/gdp-per-capita), naik sekitar 322 kali dalam 56 tahun.
Sedangkan Indonesia yang memiliki sumber daya alam berlimpah pada tahun 2016 hanya berpendapatan per kapita USD 3.974,10 (https://tradingeconomics.com/indonesia/gdp-per-capita). Indonesia yang memiliki sumber daya alam berlimpah pada tahun 2012 hanya menghasilkan Produksi Nasional (Produk Nasional Bruto = GNP/Gross National Product) sebesar USD 844 Milyar, sedangkan Korea Selatan yang miskin sumber daya alam mampu menghasilkan Produksi Nasional (Produk Nasional Bruto = GNP) USD 1,133 Milyar (USD 1,13 Trilyun) atau sekitar 1,34 kali dari GNP Indonesia.
Persentase penduduk miskin di Korea Selatan yang berpenghasilan <= USD 2,5/hari = 0%, demikian pula persentase penduduk miskin berpendapatan USD10/hari adalah nol persen.
Melihat lebih jauh tentang pembangunan kesehatan di Korea Selatan, berdasarkan data Bank Dunia (2014), tingkat kematian bayi (di bawah lima tahun) di Korea Selatan adalah 5/1000 kelahiran, sedangkan di Indonesia adalah 32/1000 kelahiran. Angka kematian ibu melahirkan, di Korea Selatan: 16/100.000, sedangkan di Indonesia 220/100.000. Umur harapan hidup di Korea Selatan 81 tahun, sedangkan di Indonesia 71 tahun.
Bagaimana dengan pembangunan pendidikan di Korea Selatan vs. Indonesia? Data Bank Dunia (2014) menunjukkan persentase penduduk yang memperoleh pendidikan tinggi di Korea Selatan 17,9% sedangkan Indonesia hanya 1,17%.Persentase penduduk berpendidikan menengah di Korea Selatan 36,8% sedangkan di Indonesia hanya 11,1%.
Tentang tingkat tabungan penduduk di Korea Selatan vs. Indonesia adalah: persentase jumlah penduduk yang menabung di Korea Selatan adalah 46,9%; sedangkan di Indonesia hanya 15,3%.
Mengapa Korea Selatan bisa maju sangat pesat dibandingkan Indonesia? Ternyata strategi pembangunan ekonomi melalui koperasi yang memiliki skala usaha ekonomis (economies of scale) dan ruang lingkup ekonomis (economies of scope) beserta program Gerakan Masyarakat Baru berikut yang memajukan Korea Selatan.
Koperasi Pertanian (NACF) di Korea Selatan
Korea Selatan memulai pembangunan melalui melakukan Land Reform secara besar-besaran, kemudian mendirikan koperasi pertanian (National Agricultural Cooperative Federation) pada 15 Agustus 1961. Jika kita mendengar kata koperasi di Korea Selatan, jangan membayangkan seperti koperasi di Indonesia yang juga selalu menghadapi masalah mis-management dan ketidakpercayaan dari masyarakat terhadap koperasi, karena koperasi masih diperlakukan sebagai usaha kecil menengah (UKM).
Jumlah koperasi di Korea Selatan pada Februari 2012 memiliki 1.167 cabang utama beserta 3.306 unit koperasi. Jumlah Koperasi Regional (968 buah); Koperasi Komoditas Pertanian untuk buah-buahan (25 buah), sayur-sayuran (17 buah), hortikultura (3 buah); Koperasi Peternakan Regional (118 buah); Koperasi Susu (13 buah), Koperasi Babi (7 buah), Koperasi Unggas (2 buah), Koperasi Pemeliharaan Lebah (1 buah), Koperasi Kelinci dan Rusa (1 buah); dan Koperasi Komoditas Ginseng (12 buah).
Koperasi Pertanian (NACF) Korea Selatan memiliki lini bisnis: perbankan dan asuransi, pemasok dan pemasaran pertanian, pemasok dan pemasaran peternakan, jasa-jasa pelayanan, yang memiliki anggota pada tahun 2011 sebanyak 2,446,836 orang petani dan associate members sebanyak 15,262,611 orang.
Selanjutnya koperasi-koperasi di Korea Selatan jangan dibayangkan seperti Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) di Indonesia, karena omzet penjualan dari koperasi-koperasi itu melebihi konglomerat-konglomerat di Indonesia. Sebagai perbandingan pada tahun 2014, omzet dari NACF adalah USD 63.76 Milyar atau setara dengan +/- Rp. 848 Trilyun, termasuk nomor 1 di dunia untuk koperasi dalam sektor pertanian dan industri makanan.
Bandingkan dengan omzet penjualan dari perusahaan konglomerat Korea Selatan Samsung & LG Electronics pada 2014 adalah berturut-turut sekitar USD 195,88 Milyar (+/-Rp. 2.605 Trilyun) dan USD 55,91 Milyar (+/-Rp. 744 Trilyun). Hal ini berarti penjualan dari Koperasi Pertanian Korea Selatan pada tahun 2014 adalah sekitar 114 persen daripada penjualan LG Electronics atau sekitar 32,6 persen daripada penjualan Samsung pada tahun 2014.
Jika kita melihat cadangan devisa Indonesia per Desember 2014 yang hanya sekitar USD 100,7 Milyar (+/- Rp. 1.339 Trilyun) dan total ekspor migas dan non-migas Indonesia pada tahun 2014 yang hanya sekitar USD 176,29 Milyar (+/- Rp. 2.345 Trilyun), maka tampak bahwa total ekspor Indonesia pada tahun 2014 lebih rendah (hanya sekitar 70 persen) daripada penjualan dua perusahaan raksasa Korea Selatan (Samsung & LG) yang mencapai sekitar USD 251,79 Milyar (+/- Rp. 3.349 Trilyun). Atau jika dibandingkan dengan penjualan dari Koperasi Pertanian Korea Selatan pada tahun 2014 yang sekitar USD 63,78 Milyar (+/- Rp. 848 Triliun), maka penjualan dari koperasi pertanian Korea Selatan adalah sama dengan 36,2 persen dari total ekspor migas dan non-migas Indonesia pada tahun 2014.
Daftar 20 koperasi top di dunia dalam sektor pertanian dan industri makanan tahun 2014 ditunjukkan dalam Tabel 1.
Dari Tabel 1 tampak bahwa Koperasi Pertanian di Korea Selatan menempati urutan 1 dunia dibandingkan koperasi-koperasi negara lain yang berusaha dalam sektor pertanian dan industri makanan. Koperasi Pertanian Korea Selatan ini memiliki berbagai fasilitas usaha seperti ditunjukan dalam Tabel 2.
Perhatian pemerintah pada koperasi-koperasi di Korea Selatan sangat besar, karena koperasi-koperasi itu yang memberikan kontribusi signifikan bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pemerataan pendapatan masyarakat Korea Selatan. Pemerintah Korea Selatan TIDAK MENGATUR koperasi-koperasi di Korea Selatan, manajemen dilakukan secara profesional dan digerakkan sebagai unit bisnis mandiri. Jika sistem pemasaran pertanian di Indonesia masih mempertahankan sistem tradisional dengan rantai pemasaran yang panjang, yaitu: Petani (Produsen) – Pedagang Pengumpul (Tengkulak) – Pengirim (Tengkulak) – Pedagang Besar – Pedagang Eceran – Konsumen; maka di Korea Selatan melalui koperasi-koperasi pertanian telah memperpendek rantai pemasaran yaitu: Petani (Koperasi Petani Produsen) – Agriculture Proccesing Centers (Koperasi-koperasi pertanian) – Agriculture Marketing Complexes (Supermarket yang dimiliki Koperasi Pertanian) – Konsumen.
Gerakan Masyarakat Baru Korea Selatan (Saemaul)
Gerakan Masyarakat Baru (GMB) di Korea Selatan disebut Saemaul. Saemaul yang terdiri dari “Sae” dan “Maul” adalah kombinasi dari dua kata Korea yang berarti: Sae (Baru atau Pembaruan) dan Maul (Komunitas), yang berarti Komunitas/Masyarakat Baru atau Pembaruan Komunitas/Masyarakat. Gerakan Masyarakat Baru di Korea Selatan diperkenalkan pada 22 April 1970 oleh Presiden Korea Selatan Park Chung Hee, dan masih berjalan sampai sekarang. Pertama kali Gerakan Masyarakat Baru (GMB) di Korea Selatan ini dimaksudkan untuk memodernisasikan ekonomi pedesaan Korea Selatan berbasiskan pengaturan mandiri (self-governance) melalui koperasi-koperasi pedesaan (semacam Koperasi Unit Desa-KUD di Indonesia, kecuali manajemen yang berbeda sama sekali). Jika koperasi-koperasi di Indonesia dikelola secara parsial, maka koperasi-koperasi di Korea Selatan dikelola secara bisnis terintegrasi (integrated business) dalam kerangka sistem industri Agricultural Lean Supply Chain Management yang sangat efisien, produktif, dan berkualitas, sejak dari industri hulu-on farm-sampai industri hilir. Aktivitas seperti pembibitan, produksi pertanian, agro industry, sampai pemasaran hasil-hasil pertanian dilakukan sepenuhnya oleh Koperasi Pertanian (National Agricultural Cooperative Federation) secara bisnis terintegrasi.
GMB berusaha untuk memperbaiki kesenjangan standar hidup antara daerah perkotaan, yang cepat berkembang karena penerapan strategi industrialisasi berorientasi ekspor, dan desa-desa kecil, yang terus terperosok dalam kemiskinan. Kolaborasi melalui koperasi-koperasi pedesaan terus-menerus mendorong anggotamasyarakat terutama di daerah pedesaan (termasuk di perkotaan) untuk berpartisipasi dalam proses pembangunan ekonomi dan industri Korea Selatan.
Tahap awal dari GMB difokuskan pada peningkatan kondisi kehidupan dasar dan lingkungan melalui berbagai proyek-proyek yang berkonsentrasi pada pembangunan infrastruktur pedesaan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat pedesaan itu.
Model GMB yang melibatkan koperasi-koperasi di Korea Selatan ditunjukan dalam Bagan 1 di atas.
GMB telah diadopsi oleh PBB sebagai salah satu model pembangunan pedesaan yang paling EFISIEN di dunia. Komisi Ekonomi untuk Afrika (Economic Commision for Africa = ECA) telah memutuskan untuk memilih GMB sebagai model dasar untuk Program Modernisasi Pertanian Berkelanjutan dan Transformasi Pedesaan (SMART = Sustainable Modernization of Agriculture and Rural Transformation) pada tahun 2008. Selain itu, GMB ini telah diekspor ke lebih dari 70 negara untuk berbagi pengalaman pembangunan pedesaan di seluruh dunia. Indonesia seyogianya meniru GMB di Korea Selatan, karena pembangunan ekonomi melalui koperasi-koperasi yang mencapai skala usaha ekonomis (economies of scale) dan ruang lingkup ekonomis (economies of scope) merupakan perwujudan dari implementasi Pasal 33 UUD 1945.
Economic Development through Cooperative Development with Economies of Scale and Economies of Scope
Case Study: Learning on the Success of South Korea
By: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt & Certified Management System Lead Specialist
- American Production and Inventory Control Society (www.apics.org) Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM), Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management (CFPIM) and Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP);
- American Society for Quality (www.asq.org) Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE), Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), Certified Quality Auditor (CQA), Certified Quality Improvement Associate (CQIA), and Certified Six Sigma Black Belt;
- International Quality Federation (www.iqf.org) Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt (CSSMBB);
- Registration Accreditation Board (www.exemplarglobal.org) Certified Management System Auditor (CMSA), Certified Management System Practitioneer (CMSP), Certified Management System Specialist (CMSS), and Certified Management System Lead Specialist (CMSLS).
South Korea became independent on August 15, 1945 (although it only started to be celebrated on August 15, 1948), while Indonesia became independent on August 17, 1945. Why should Indonesia be compared to South Korea, whose progress has far surpassed Indonesia? Because these two countries began their development and became independent almost simultaneously. Both countries, Indonesia and South Korea were countries with poor population when starting their economic and industrial development – the difference was Indonesia was rich in natural resources and South Korea was poor in natural resources). However, these two countries are different like the earth and the sky in this 2017.
South Korea in 1960 was a poor country (with per capita income of US$79) with no adequate natural resources. But through the implementation of an export-oriented industrialization strategy supported by the focus on human resources development in an intensive and widespread cooperative vessel, South Korea was able to dramatically increase its national human resources productivity, that has brought South Korea in 2016 with per capita income of USD$25,458.90 (https://tradingeconomics.com/south-korea/gdp-per-capita) – up to about 322 times within 56 years.
While Indonesia, which has abundant natural resources, had only per capita income of USD 3,974.10 in 2016 (https://tradingeconomics.com/indonesia/gdp-per-capita). Indonesia only produced GNP (Gross National Product) of USD$844 billions; whereas South Korea, which is poorer in natural resources, was capable of producing GNP (Gross National Product) of US$1.133 trillions or about 1.34 times of Indonesia’s GNP.
The percentage of poor people in South Korea who earn <= US$2.5/day = 0%. Likewise, the percentage of poor people who earn US$10/day is zero percent.
Looking further at health development in South Korea, based on World Bank (2014) data, infant mortality rate (under five years old) in South Korea was 5/1000 births; while in Indonesia it was 32/1000 births. Maternal mortality rate in South Korea was 16/100.000; while in Indonesia, it was 220/100.000. Life expectancy in South Korea was 81 years old; while in Indonesia, it was 71 years old.
What about the education development in South Korea vs. in Indonesia? Data from the World Bank (2014) show that the percentage of the population who get higher education in South Korea was 17.9%; while in Indonesia, it was only 1.17%. The percentage of the middle-educated population in South Korea was 36.8%; while in Indonesia, it was only 11.1%.
About the population savings rate in South Korea vs. in Indonesia is: the percentage of population who saved in South Korea was 46.9%; while in Indonesia, it was only 15.3%.
How could South Korea progress very rapidly than Indonesia? It turns out it was due to the economic development strategy through cooperative that has economies of scale and economies of scope as well as the following New People Movement program that advances South Korea.
Agricultural Cooperative (NACF) in South Korea
South Korea began the development by doing Land Reform on a large scale; then it established National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF) on August 15, 1961. If we hear the word cooperative, do not imagine it like cooperatives in Indonesia which also always face problems of mismanagement and distrust from their communities towards those cooperatives. It is because cooperatives in Indonesia are still treated as small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
The number of cooperatives in South Korea as of February 2012 had 1,167 main branches and 3,306 cooperative units. More specifically, the numbers were: Regional Cooperatives (968 units); Cooperative Agricultural Commodities for fruits (25 units), vegetables (17 units), horticulture (3 units); Regional Livestock Cooperatives (118 units); Milk Cooperative (13 units), Pig Cooperative (7 units), Poultry Cooperative (2 units), Beekeeping Cooperative (1 unit), Rabbit & Deer Cooperative (1 unit); and Ginseng Commodity Cooperative (12 units).
South Korea’s Agricultural Cooperative (NACF) has its own lines of businesses: banking and insurance; supply and marketing of agriculture, livestock supply and marketing; and other services. It had 2,446,836 members in 2011 and 15,262,611 associates members.
Furthermore, cooperatives in South Korea should not be imagined as Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as in Indonesia, because the sales revenues of those cooperatives exceed the conglomerates in Indonesia. As a comparison, in 2014, revenues from NACF was US$63.76 billions or equivalent to +/- Rp848 trillions. It was the world’s number 1 for cooperative in the sectors of agriculture and food industries.
Compare that to the sales revenues of South Korean conglomerates, Samsung & LG Electronics, in 2014 that were respectively around US$195.88 billions (+/- Rp2,605 trillion) and US$55.91 billions (+/- Rp744 trillions). This means that, in 2014, sales from South Korea’s Agriculture Cooperative in 2014 were about 114 percent of LG Electronics’ sales or about 32.6 percent of Samsung’s sales.
If we look at Indonesia’s foreign reserves as of December 2014, which was only about US$100.7 billions (+/- Rp1,339 trillions), and Indonesia’s total exports (of oil-and-gas and non-oil-and-gas) in 2014, which was only about US$176.29 billions (+/- Rp2.345 trillions), then it appears that Indonesia’s total exports in 2014 were lower (only about 70 per cent of) than the sales of two South Korean giants (Samsung & LG) – which amounted to approximately US$251.79 billions (+/- Rp 3,349 Trillion). Or if compared to the sales of South Korean Agricultural Cooperative in 2014, which was about US$63.78 billions (+/- Rp858 trillions), then sales of South Korean Agricultural Cooperative were equal to 36.2 percent of Indonesia’s total oil-and-gas and non-oil-and-gas exports in 2014.
The list of the top 20 cooperatives in the world in the sectors of agriculture and food industries in 2014 is shown in Table 1.
From Table 1 it appears that South Korean Agricultural Cooperative ranks 1st in the world compared to cooperatives from other countries that operate in the sectors of agriculture and food industries. This South Korean Agriculture Cooperative has various business facilities as shown in Table 2.
The government’s attention to cooperatives in South Korea is very enormous, since those cooperatives make a significant contribution to the economic growth and the equal income distribution of South Korea. South Korean government DOES NOT MANAGE cooperatives in South Korea; their management are professionally carried out and driven as independent business units. If the agricultural marketing system in Indonesia still maintains the traditional system with long marketing chain, namely: Farmers (Producers) – Trade Gatherers (Wholesalers) – Senders (Middlemen) – Large Traders – Retailers – Consumers; then in South Korea, through agricultural cooperatives, they have shortened the marketing chain: Farmers (Farmers Producers Cooperatives) – Agriculture Proccesing Centers (Agricultural Cooperatives) – Agriculture Marketing Complexes (Supermarkets owned by Agricultural Cooperatives) – Consumers.
South Korea’s New People Movement (Saemaul)
The New Community Movement in South Korea is called Saemaul. Saemaul, consisting of “Sae” and “Maul”, is a combination of two Korean words: Sae (New or Reform) and Maul (Community), which means New Community or Community Renewal. The New Community Movement in South Korea was introduced on April 22, 1970, by South Korean President Park Chung Hee and it is still running. At first, this New Community Movement in South Korea was intended to modernize South Korea’s rural economy based on self-governance through rural cooperatives (kind of like Koperasi Unit Desa-KUD // Village Unit Cooperative in Indonesia, except for its completely different management). If cooperatives in Indonesia are managed partially, then cooperatives in South Korea are managed in integrated business manner within the framework of highly efficient, productive, and qualified Agricultural Lean Supply Chain Management industry systems, from the upstream to the downstream agricultural industries. Activities, such as sowing, agricultural production, agro-industry, and marketing of agricultural products, are carried out entirely by the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation in integrated business manner.
Saemaul sought to improve the gap in the standard of living between the urban areas, which were rapidly evolving due to the application of export-oriented industrialization strategies, and small villages, which continued to fall into poverty. Collaboration through rural cooperatives continued to encourage the members of the communities, especially in rural areas (including urban areas), to participate in South Korea’s economic and industrial development process.
The initial phase of Saemaul was focused on improving the basic living and environmental conditions through various projects that concentrate on rural infrastructure development to increase the incomes of those rural communities.
Saemaul model, involving cooperatives in South Korea, is shown in Chart 1 above.
Saemaul has been adopted by the UN as one of the most EFFICIENT rural development models in the world. The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) had decided to select Saemaul as the basic model for the Sustainable Modernization and Rural Transformation (SMART) Program in 2008. In addition, this Saemaul has been exported to over 70 countries to share the experiences of rural development around the world. Indonesia should imitate Saemaul in South Korea, because economic development through cooperatives that achieve economies of scale and economies of scope is the implemental manifestation of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution.
Best Regards for SUCCESS.