Bahasa Indonesia
Oleh: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Banyak orang seringkali bertanya kepada saya tentang apa yang dimaksudkan dengan SUCCESS? Saya menjawab sangat sederhana, jika Anda TELAH PUAS dengan pencapaian Anda atau dalam bahasa sehari-hari jika Anda telah PUAS dengan keadaan Anda sekarang, maka Anda telah SUCCESS, Karena SUCCESS = PUAS (Pastikan Usaha Anda SUCCESS). PATUT dicatat dan diingat bahwa kita TIDAK akan mungkin mempengaruhi seseorang untuk bertambah SUCCESS lagi, jika orang tersebut telah PUAS dengan kehidupannya. Jika kita berusaha untuk INTERVENSI pada orang-orang yang telah PUAS dengan kehidupannya, maka kita yang akan FRUSTRASI dan akan terasa ANEH bagi orang itu!
SUCCESS dimulai dari menetapkan GOAL dan berusaha untuk mencapai GOAL itu. Jadi pencapaian GOAL itu adalah SUCCESS, Karena bagi seseorang yang TELAH mencapai GOAL, maka seharusnya dia PUAS. Tulisan berikut TIDAK dimaksudkan untuk ditujukan kepada orang-orang yang TIDAK memiliki GOAL dan mereka TIDAK peduli dengan pencapaian GOAL itu, Karena sesungguhnya mereka TELAH puas dengan kehidupannya. Apakah orang seperti ini dianggap SUCCESS? Karena konsep SUCCESS = PUAS (Pastikan Usaha Anda SUCCESS), maka sepanjang seseorang TELAH puas dengan kehidupannya, maka mereka TELAH SUCCESS. Jika demikian SUCCESS BUKAN tergantung pada orang lain, TETAPI tergantung pada diri sendiri dan inilah yang disebut KARAKTER. Tulisan saya sebelumnya TELAH menjelaskan perbedaan antara KARAKTER (bersumber 100% dari dalam diri) dan REPUTASI (bersumber dari luar diri berdasarkan penilaian orang lain).
Dengan demikian tulisan-tulisan saya ini HANYA bermanfaat bagi mereka yang BELUM PUAS dengan pencapaiannya sekarang! Bagi orang-orang yang “BELUM” PUAS dengan kinerja sekarang dan INGIN meraih SUCCESS selanjutnya (saya termasuk dalam kelompok ini), maka tulisan-tulisan saya menggunakan PDCA Approach akan berguna sebagai pedoman atau panduan menuju SUCCESS.
Saya belajar kata SUCCESS dan menerapkan ke dalam diri agar SUCCESS berdasarkan akronim SUCCESS berikut:
- S = SET and SEE our goal (Tetapkan dan lihatlah selalu pada sasaran kita)
- U = UNDERSTAND the KSFs (Memahami key SUCCESS factors untuk mencapai sasaran)
- C = CLEAR your mind of doubt (Membersihkan pikiran tentang keragu-raguan)
- C = CREATE a positive mental picture (Menciptakan gambaran mental positif)
- E = EMBRACE the challenge (Menerima tantangan = Berani Gagal)
- S = STAY on track (Tetap pada jalur menuju sasaran kita—Harus FOCUS = Follow One Course Until SUCCESS)
- S = SHOW the world we can do it (Tunjukkan pada dunia bahwa kita dapat melakukan itu)
Jika memperhatikan akronim SUCCESS di atas, maka tampak bahwa apabila kita ingin SUCCESS HARUS di mulai dari menetapkan dan melihat sasaran (GOAL) kita. Penetapan sasaran (GOAL) yang baik adalah: SMART/ER/S, yaitu:
- Specific = Sasaran HARUS spesifik dan sebaiknya untuk hal-hal penting yang TIDAK mendesak (aplikasi Habit #3 dari Stephen Covey: Put First Things First).
Catatan: orang yang MAMPU menerapkan Habit #3 ini, jika orang itu TELAH memiliki Habit #1: Be Proactive dan HABIT #2: Begin with the End in Mind.
Kita baru bisa memiliki kebiasaan PROAKTIF, jika kita telah memiliki TANGGUNGJAWAB (RESPONSIBILITY = RESPONSE + ABILITY) terhadap kinerja kita atau kita yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Sedangkan Habit #2: Begin with the End in Mind HANYA mungkin bisa dilakukan apabila kita terbiasa berpikir STRATEGIK jangka panjang (3 – 5 tahun yang akan datang) BUKAN berpikir OPERATIONAL harian atau mingguan saja! Habits 1, 2, dan 3 dari Stephen Covey itu untuk menciptakan diri kita sebagai PEMENANG (Private Victory). Seorang PECUNDANG PASTI tidak memiliki Habits 1, 2 dan 3 dari Stephen Covey itu.
- Measurable = Sasaran (GOAL) kita HARUS terukur (dapat diukur) agar dapat diketahui kemajuannya dan dapat dievaluasi apakah tercapai atau tidak?
- Achievable through Action Plan = Sasaran (Goal) kita HARUS dapat dicapai melalui Rencana Tindakan (Action Plan = 5W-2H—What, Why, Where, When, Who, How, How much).
- Result-oriented = Sasaran (Goal) kita harus berorientasi pada pencapaian HASIL melalui PROSES implementasi Action Plan (5W-2H) yang BENAR dan KONSISTEN.
- Time-bound = Sasaran (Goal) kita HARUS berbatas waktu untuk pencapaiannya (misalnya: 3-5 tahun untuk Strategic Goal, 1 tahun untuk Tactical Goal, dan harian/mingguan/bulanan untuk Operational Goal).
- Evaluation/Empowerment = Sasaran (Goal) kita HARUS dievaluasi secara berkala agar mengetahui kemajuannya. Jika kita bekerja dalam TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More), maka kita dapat memberdayakan TEAM melalui melakukan Coaching terlebih dahulu kepada anggota TEAM tentang strategi pencapaian Sasaran (Goal) itu.
- Review/Reward & Recognition = Ketika berusaha menuju SUCCESS, maka Sasaran (Goal) maupun Action Plan (5W-2H) HARUS ditinjau ulang (Review) secara berkala untuk memastikan kita selalu berada dalam PROSES yang benar dan konsisten. Jika kita bekerja dalam TEAM, maka kita perlu terus-menerus memotivasi TEAM melalui memberikan kata-kata yang membangkitkan MOTIVASI team itu.
- Spirituality = kita bekerja dengan melibatkan Tuhan sebagai Team Leader kita melalui ber-DOA (Depend On Allah) agar Tuhan bermurah hati mengabulkan DOA kita untuk SUCCESS.
Catatan: DOA yang benar BUKAN doa meminta sesuatu saja seperti seorang pengemis, TETAPI DOA agar kita menyerahkan seluruh kehidupan kita kepada Tuhan untuk mengaturnya agar kita SUCCESS (Sasaran/Goal yang ditetapkan dalam jangka waktu tertentu dapat tercapai).
Apabila SMARTERS GOAL dan akronim SUCCESS itu disusun kembali ke dalam PDCA Approach, maka akan tampak sebagai berikut:
Plan (P):
- Menetapkan SMARTERS Goal.
- Memahami Key SUCCESS Factors (KSFs) menuju Sasaran/Goal.
- Memasukkan semua Key SUCCESS factors (KSFs) kedalam Action Plan (5W-2H).
- Memotivasi Diri Sendiri maupun TEAM (jika melibatkan TEAM) bahwa saya atau TEAM akan SUCCESS, Karena telah menetapkan SMARTERS Goal (termasuk melibatkan Tuhan sejak awal).
Do (D):
- Melaksanakan atau Implementasi Action Plan yang berisi Key SUCCESS factors (KSFs) secara benar dan konsisten.
Check (C ):
- Memeriksa apakah Sasaran (Goal) kita telah tercapai (Actual >= Target)? Dalam tahap Check ini HANYA ada dua kemungkinan saja, yaitu: (1) SUCCESS berarti Sasaran/Goal tercapai (Actual >= Target) atau (2) GAGAL berarti Sasaran/Goal tidak tercapai (Actual < Target).
Act (A):
- Jika SUCCESS (Actual >= Target), maka lakukan langkah-langkah di atas sebagai Standard (Praktek Standard Menuju SUCCESS berikut). Jika GAGAL, maka lakukan SOLUSI MASALAH melalui memeriksa kembali langkah-langkah di atas PASTI ada yang SALAH atau tidak diterapkan secara benar dan konsisten.
- Berikan Reward & Recognition kepada diri sendiri maupun kepada TEAM (jika melibatkan orang lain) sebagai penguatan positif (Positive Reinforcement) untuk terus-menerus mempraktekkan PDCA sebagai kebiasaan untuk memperkuat KARAKTER diri sebagai seorang PROFESIONAL di bidang apapun di dunia ini.
Demikian Siklus PDCA berulang terus-menerus sebagai KARAKTER SUCCESS seorang professional. SUCCESS ternyata bukan NASIB BAIK, tetapi SUCCESS melalui Desain dan Implementasi PDCA secara benar dan konsisten terus-menerus.
Tks. Salam SUCCESS.
Application of SUCCESS Concept Using PDCA Approach
By: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Many people often ask me about what is meant by SUCCESS? My answer is very simple, if you HAVE BEEN satisfied with your achievements or in everyday language if you have been satisfied with your current situation, then you have SUCCEEDED, Because SUCCESS = PUAS (Pastikan Usaha Anda SUCCESS) // SATISFIED (Make Sure Your Effort SUCCESSFUL). SHOULD be noted and remembered that we will NOT be possibly able to influence someone else to be more SUCCESSFUL, if he/she has been satisfied with his/her life. If we try to INTERVENE on people who had been satisfied with their lives, then we would be the one who would be FRUSTRATED and it would be WEIRD to them!
SUCCESS starts from setting GOAL and striving to achieve that GOAL. Thus, the achievement of that GOAL is SUCCESS, because for someone who HAS reached his/her GOAL, then he should be SATISFIED. The following article is NOT intended to be addressed to people who DO NOT have GOAL and those who are NOT concerned with that GOAL achievement, because they actually HAVE been content with their lives. Are such people considered SUCCESSFUL? Because the concept SUCCESS = PUAS (Pastikan Usaha Anda SUCCESS) // SATISFIED (Make Sure Your Effort SUCCESSFUL), then as long as someone HAS been satisfied with his/her life, then they HAVE been SUCCESSFUL. If so, SUCCESS DOES NOT depend on others, BUT depends on oneself and it is called CHARACTER. My previous article HAS explained the difference between CHARACTER (sourced 100% from the oneself) and REPUTATION (sourced from outside based on the judgments of others).
Thus, my writings are ONLY helpful for those who have NOT been SATISFIED with their accomplishments now! For people who “YET” to be SATISFIED with their current performance and WANT to grab the next SUCCESS (myself is included in this group), then my writings using PDCA Approach will be useful as a guidance or guide towards SUCCESS.
I learn the word SUCCESS and apply it to myself in order to be SUCCESSFUL based on the following SUCCESS acronym:
- S = SET and SEE our goal
- U = UNDERSTAND the KSFs (Key Success Factors)
- C = CLEAR your mind of doubt
- C = CREATE a positive mental picture
- E = EMBRACE the challenge (= Dare to Fail)
- S = STAY on track towards our GOAL (Must FOCUS = Follow One Course Until SUCCESS)
- S = SHOW the world we can do it
If you pay attention to the SUCCESS acronym above, it seems that if we want SUCCESS, then it MUST be started by setting and seeing our GOAL. Good GOAL setting is: SMART/ER/S, namely:
- Specific = Goal MUST be specific and should be for the important things that are NOT urgent (application Habit #3 from Stephen Covey: Put First Things First).
Note: someone is ABLE to apply this Habit #3, if that person has ALREADY had Habit #1: Be Proactive and HABIT #2: Begin with the End in Mind.
We can only have the habit of PROACTIVE, if we have had RESPONSIBILITY = RESPONSE + ABILITY towards our performance or we are responsible for our daily lives. While Habit #2: Begin with the End in Mind ONLY may be done if we are accustomed to thinking STRATEGICALLY long term (3-5 years to come) instead of only thinking OPERATIONALLY on a daily or weekly basis! Those habits 1, 2, and 3 from Stephen Covey are to shape ourselves as WINNERS (Private Victory). A LOSER DEFINITELY does not have those Habits 1, 2, and 3 from Stephen Covey.
- Measurable = Our GOAL MUST be measurable in order to know its progress and can be evaluated whether it is achieved or not?
- Achievable through Action Plan = Our Goal MUST be achieved through the Action Plan (Action Plan = 5W-2H—What, Why, Where, When, Who, How, How much).
- Result-oriented = Our Goal should be oriented towards achieving RESULTS through the CORRECT and CONSISTENT implementation PROCESS of Action Plan (5W-2H).
- Time-bound = Our Goal MUST be timebound for its achievements (e.g. 3-5 years for the Strategic Goal, 1 year for Tactical Goal, and daily/weekly/monthly for Operational Goal).
- Evaluation/Empowerment = Our Goal MUST be evaluated regularly to determine its progress. If we work within a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More), then we can empower TEAM through doing Coaching in advance to TEAM members about those Goal achievement strategies.
- Review/Reward & Recognition = When striving toward SUCCESS, then Goal and Action Plan (5W-2H) MUST be reviewed periodically to make sure we are always in the correct and consistent PROCESS. If we work in TEAM, then we need to constantly motivate TEAM by giving words that evoke that team’s MOTIVATION.
- Spirituality = we work by involving God as our Team Leader through ber-DOA (Depend On Allah) // PRAYING (Depend On God) that God would generously grant our PRAYER to be SUCCESSFUL.
Note: The correct PRAYER is NOT just asking for something like a beggar, but the prayer so that we surrender all of our life to God to set it up so that we may SUCCEED (The Target/Goal that is set within a specific time period can be achieved).
If those SMARTER GOALS and SUCCESS acronym are reassembled into PDCA Approach, it will look as follows:
Plan (P):
- Setting SMARTERS Goal.
- Understanding Key SUCCESS Factors (KSFs) toward the Goal.
- Entering all Key SUCCESS factors (KSFs) into Action Plan (5W-2H).
- Motivating Oneself and TEAM (if it involves TEAM) that I or TEAM will SUCCEED, because SMARTERS Goal has been set (including involving God from the beginning).
Do (D):
- Implement Action Plan that contains the Key SUCCESS factors (KSFs) correctly and consistently.
Check (C ):
- Checking whether our Goal have been achieved (Actual >= Target)? In this Check phase, there are ONLY two possibilities, namely: (1) SUCCESS means Target/Goal is achieved (Actual >= Target) or (2) FAILURE means Target/Goal is not achieved (Actual < Target).
Act (A):
- If SUCCESSFUL (Actual >= Target), then follow the steps above as the Standard (Standard Practice Towards the next SUCCESS). If FAILED, then do PROBLEM SOLVING through rechecking the steps above; SURELY there is something wrong or that is not applied correctly and consistently.
- Give Reward & Recognition to oneself or to TEAM (if it involves other people) as Positive Reinforcement to constantly practice PDCA as a habit to strengthen one’s CHARACTER as a professional in any field in this world.
Thus PDCA cycle repeats continuously as CHARACTER OF SUCCESS of a professional. SUCCESS turns out not to be GOOD LUCK, but SUCCESS through the constantly correct and consistent Design and Implementation of PDCA.
Thank you. Best Regards to SUCCESS.