Bahasa Indonesia
Dalam buku terbaru (2017) tentang Handbook of Research on Creative Problem Solving Skill Development in Higher Education, IGI Global, 632 pages, Chapter 9 mengungkapkan Riset tentang keterampilan yang dibutuhkan di tempat kerja adalah sebagai berikut:
- Komunikasi
- Berpikir Analitis
- Kolaborasi
- Berpikir Strategik
- Kepemimpinan
- Solusi Masalah Kreatif
- Motivasi
- Adaptabilitas (Kemampuan Beradaptasi)
- Analisis Kuantitatif
- Inisiatif/Mengambil Risiko
- Pembuatan Keputusan
- Pengalaman Kerja Terkait Industri
- Cara Berpikir Global
- Kewirausahaan
(Lihat Bagan 2 Terlampir)
Silakan dunia perguruan tinggi di Indonesia menjadikan informasi ini sebagai referensi global tentang keterampilan yang dibutuhkan dalam pasar tenaga kerja nasional dan internasional.
Tks. Salam SUCCESS
Key to SUCCESS in the Workplace
In the recent book (2017) of the Handbook of Research on Creative Problem Solving Skill Development in Higher Education, IGI Global, 632 pages, Chapter 9 reveals research on the skills needed in the workplace are as follows:
- Communication
- Analytical thinking
- Collaboration
- Strategic thinking
- Leadership
- Creative Problem Solving
- Motivation/Drive
- Adaptability
- Quantitative Analysis
- Initiative/risk-taking
- Decision Making
- Industry-related work experience
- Global Mindset
- Entrepreneurship
(See Chart 2 attached below)
Please, world of higher education in Indonesia, make this information as a global reference on skills needed in the labor market nationally and internationally.
Thank you. Best Regards for SUCCESS