Bahasa Indonesia
Oleh: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt & Certified Management System Lead Specialist
- APICS (www.apics.org) Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management (CFPIM) and Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP);
- International Quality Federation (www.iqf.org) Six Sigma Master Black Belt (SSMBB);
- ASQ (www.asq.org) Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE), Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), Certified Quality Auditor (CQA), Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB), Certified Quality Improvement Associate (CQIA);
- Registration Accreditation Board (www.exemplarglobal.org) Certified Management System Lead Specialist (CMSLS).
- Senior Member of American Society for Quality (Member #: 00749775), International Member of American Production and Inventory Control Society (Member #: 1023620), and Senior Member of Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (Member #: 880194630).
- Insinyur Profesional Utama (IPU) – Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII)
Banyak penulis mendefinisikan risiko sebagai probabilitas kerugian dikalikan dengan jumlah kerugian (dalam nilai moneter), sehingga sering ditulis sebagai: Risiko = p (rugi) x nilai (kerugian).
Definisi klasik dari risiko adalah probabilitas terjadinya kejadian yang tidak diinginkan dikalikan dengan konsekuensi (kerugian) dari kejadian tersebut.
Selanjutnya dikemukakan konsep perhitungan skor risiko (risk score) merupakan proses di mana suatu aktivitas berisiko akan menentukan skor risiko. Skor risiko menunjukkan tingkat risiko yang terkait dengan suatu permintaan yang diijinkan untuk mengakses sumber daya atau pertimbangan untuk menggunakan sumber daya (waktu, uang, energi, dll). Skor risiko ini kemudian dibandingkan dengan skor ambang batas yang ditetapkan dalam sebuah kebijakan atau pertimbangan obyektif. Keputusan dibuat berdasarkan hasil perbandingan antara skor risiko terhadap ambang batas ini, di mana jika skor risiko masih berada dalam batas toleransi, maka keputusan untuk menggunakan sumber-sumber daya itu dianggap layak berdasarkan pertimbangan risiko yang diperhitungkan.
Perhatikan landasan pemikiran VG berikut:
- Probabilitas GAGAL = 100% – Probabilitas SUCCESS berarti Probabilitas SUCCESS = 100% – Probabilitas GAGAL.
- Nilai Kerugian apabila dimasukkan ke dalam nilai TARGET yang diukur dalam persentase pencapaian TARGET (ideal = 100%), maka berlaku: Persentase Nilai Kerugian = 100% – Pencapaian Nilai TARGET. Berarti: Nilai SUCCESS = Persentase Pencapaian TARGET (Ideal 100%, jika lebih dari 100% maka dianggap bonus).
Setelah poin 1 dan 2 di atas dapat diterima, maka Skor SUCCESS telah dapat dihitung atau diperkirakan sebelum suatu tindakan, yaitu: Skor SUCCESS = Persentase SUCCESS x Persentase Pencapaian TARGET SUCCESS, sehingga Skor SUCCESS akan bergerak dari 1% sampai 100%.
Catatan: 0% dihilangkan untuk keperluan aplikasi konsep Skor SUCCESS dan diberikan kepada pribadi-pribadi yang TAKUT GAGAL yang dalam kenyataan TIDAK akan melakukan keputusan apa-apa sehingga layak memperoleh Skor SUCCESS = 0%.
VG telah membuat diagram pemetaan Skor SUCCESS melalui menetapkan persentase pencapaian TARGET SUCCESS pada sumbu vertikal dan Probabilitas Mencapai SUCCESS pada sumbu horizontal seperti ditunjukan dalam Bagan 1 terlampir di atas.
Proses mengubah skor risiko menjadi skor SUCCESS ini dalam kerangka berpikir kritis telah termasuk tingkat tertinggi (evaluasi), yaitu mengembangkan opini, pertimbangan, dan keputusan untuk dipergunakan dalam fenomena baru tertentu (lihat Bagan 2. Critical Thinking Skills).
Selanjutnya melalui suatu kebijakan pribadi, team, manajemen, dstnya, kita bisa menetapkan ambang batas toleransi pada tingkat skor SUCCESS berapa kita akan melakukan keputusan berisiko karena akan mengorbankan sejumlah sumber-sumber daya (waktu, uang, energi, dll) ketika melaksanakan aktivitas berisiko itu. Secara pribadi VG akan menggunakan angka 80% sebagai angka yang layak untuk melaksanakan keputusan berisiko.
Permasalahannya bagaimana kalau Skor SUCCESS belum mencapai 80% dari suatu keputusan berisiko yang sedang dipertimbangkan itu?
Apabila dalam kasus Skor SUCCESS belum mencapai 80%, maka kita HARUS melakukan intervensi untuk: (1) Meningkatkan Probabilitas SUCCESS, dan (2) Meningkatkan Persentase Pencapaian Target SUCCESS yang akan dibahas berikut.
A. Strategi Meningkatkan Probabilitas SUCCESS
VG selalu KONSISTEN menggunakan aplikasi PDCA for SUCCESS untuk meningkatkan Probabilitas SUCCESS. Penggunaan PDCA for SUCCESS dapat dilihat dalam Bagan 3 PDCA Management Framework for SUCCESS yang dilakukan dengan beberapa langkah berikut:
- Tentukan Konteks dalam PDCA for SUCCESS itu. Konteks dapat berupa sekolah, kuliah, aplikasi dalam bidang tertentu misal ingin menjadi seorang professional dalam bidang akuntansi, property, kualitas, supply chain management, dll. Konteks juga dapat diterapkan pada upaya membuka bisnis baru, pengembangan bisnis, berpindah profesi dari karyawan menjadi investor, dll. Konteks juga dapat berupa apa saja seperti keputusan VG untuk menyekolahkan putera-putera ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dengan biaya sendiri di luar negeri, dll. Pokoknya semua keputusan berisiko dapat dimasukan ke dalam konteks yang dipertimbangkan.
- Mulai dengan Plan (Perencanaan) yang memenuhi kriteria (a) memiliki sasaran atau tujuan dari konteks yang dirumuskan menggunakan prinsip SMARTERS (Specific, Measurable, Achievable through actionable, Result-oriented, Timely, Empowerment and evaluation, Review and recognition, Spirituality), (b) merangkum semua Key SUCCESS Factors (KSFs) yang terkait dengan konteks yang sedang dipertimbangkan, dan (c) menstandardisasikan semua key SUCCESS factors (KSFs) menjadi rencana aksi/tindakan dalam format daftar periksa (checklists) atau 5W2H (What, Why, Where, When, Who, How, How much).
- Melaksanakan (Do) terhadap rencana aksi yang memuat semua key SUCCESS factors (KSFs) apakah berbentuk daftar periksa (checklists) atau 5W2H (What, Why, Where, When, Who, How, How much).
- antara TARGET SUCCESS yang telah ditetapkan menggunakan pendekatan SMARTERS dalam poin 1 di atas dengan hasil-hasil aktual yang diperoleh melalui implementasi rencana aksi dari key SUCCESS factors menggunakan daftar periksa (checklists) atau 5W2H (What, Why, Where, When, Who, How, How much).
- Melakukan tindakan (Act) menggunakan dua pertimbangan berikut, yaitu: (a) jika pencapaian TARGET SUCCESS tidak mencapai 100%, maka lakukan solusi masalah melalui memeriksa ulang poin 1, 2, dan 3 di atas, dan (2) jika pencapaian TARGET SUCCESS telah mencapai 100% atau lebih , maka lakukan perbaikan terus-menerus baik menggunakan small improvement (Kaizen) atau breakthrough improvement (Innovation) terhadap poin 1, 2, 3, dan 4 di atas.
Jika PDCA for SUCCESS (poin 1 – 5) di atas dilakukan secara berulang-ulang, maka kita akan memperoleh pembelajaran yang sesungguhnya dalam kehidupan nyata (learning for life), terjadi perubahan pola pikir untuk perbaikan terus-menerus (Continual Improvement MINDSET), terjadi perbaikan terus-menerus perilaku (Continual Improvement ATTITUDE), akan membentuk kebiasaan-kebiasaan professional (Professional Habits), yang pada akhirnya akan menjadi karakter professional (Professional Character).
B. Strategi Meningkatkan Pencapaian Target SUCCESS
Pencapaian TARGET SUCCESS di samping dapat ditingkatkan menggunakan PDCA for SUCCESS, juga kita dapat menggunakan pendekatan penetapan Multi Objectives atau Multi Goals. Orang-orang GAGAL sering bekerja dengan sasaran tunggal (single objective/goal).
Bagan 4 dan Bagan 5 menunjukan pola bekerja orang-orang GAGAL versus pola bekerja orang-orang SUCCESS. Tampak bahwa pola bekerja Orang GAGAL seperti garis-garis dalam buku tulis, melalui hanya menetapkan satu tujuan (single objective) dalam setiap kali memulai aktivitas. Sedangkan Orang SUCCESS menetapkan banyak tujuan (multi objectives) ketika memulai suatu aktivitas berisiko.
Jelas tingkat PRODUKTIVITAS (PRODUCTIVITY = OUTPUT / INPUT) dari Orang SUCCESS yang menetapkan multi objectives/goals jauh lebih tinggi daripada Orang GAGAL yang hanya menetapkan single objective/goal.
Banyak orang sering mengucapkan pepatah kuno berikut TETAPI hanya sedikit orang yang TELAH mempraktekkannya apalagi sampai membuat pepatah kuno itu menjadi kebiasaan-kebiasaan (HABITS) sebagai seorang profesional yang berkarakter unggul dan memiliki nilai EC (Effectiveness of Competence) di atas 100%.
- “Sekali merengkuh dayung, dua tiga pulau terlampaui, juga sekali tepuk dua lalat artinya satu kali melakukan pekerjaan, mendapatkan beberapa hasil (atau keuntungan) sekaligus”.
- “Sambil menyelam, minum air, artinya mengerjakan suatu pekerjaan, dapat pula menyelesaikan pekerjaan atau masalah yang lain”.
- “Sekali membuka pura, dua tiga utang terbayar, artinya satu kali melakukan pekerjaan, mendapatkan beberapa hasil (atau keuntungan) sekaligus”
Tujuan menetapkan “multi objectives” adalah berkaitan dengan peningkatan PRODUKTIVITAS (PRODUCTIVITY) setiap waktu selama perjalanan menuju SUCCESS! Di samping itu jika kita menetapkan “multi objectives”, maka kita akan memperoleh banyak hasil (outputs), yang sekaligus juga akan meningkatkan pencapaian TARGET SUCCESS apabila dikombinasikan secara tepat dengan PDCA for SUCCESS.
Saya pribadi ketika melakukan suatu aktivitas berisiko (apa saja) minimum HARUS memiliki beberapa tujuan sekaligus (multi objectives).
Sebagai misal jika saya akan menulis sebuah buku PRAKTIS (PRAKtek TIdak Sulit), maka proses penulisan buku HARUS memiliki tujuan-tujuan (multi objectives) berikut:
- Tujuan No. 1 (Objective 1 = O1): Merealisasikan Visi VG yaitu: UANG (Usaha Agar Nama Gemilang).
- Tujuan No. 2 (Objective 2 = O2): Memperoleh “Credit Point” (Kum) agar bisa mempertahankan gelar-gelar profesional VG dari APICS—the American Production and Inventory Control Society (setiap 5 tahun sekali harus diperbaharui) dan ASQ—the American Society for Quality (setiap tiga tahun sekali harus diperbaharui).
- Tujuan No. 3 (Objective 3 = O3): Memperoleh pengetahuan baru (new knowledge) dalam proses penulisan buku agar meningkatkan nilai EC (Effectiveness of Competence).
Catatan: VG TIDAK pernah menulis buku yang dia sudah mengetahui atau menguasai ilmu pengetahuan itu, karena jika ini dilakukan, maka TIDAK akan memperoleh pengetahuan baru dari proses pembelajaran melalui penulisan buku itu.
- Tujuan No. 4 (Objective 4 = O4): Memperoleh PENDAPATAN AKTIF melalui menjadi Konsultan dan/atau Master Coach di perusahaan-perusahaan bisnis dan industri.
Catatan: karena sasaran pembaca adalah Top Management dan/atau Pemilik Perusahaan (Owners), maka VG TIDAK MAU menulis buku-buku yang rumit dan bersifat teori karena hal itu TIDAK akan memenuhi Tujuan No. 4 ini yaitu memperoleh kesempatan untuk menjadi Konsultan dan/atau Master Coach.
Buku yang akan dibaca oleh Top Management dan/atau Owners dari perusahaan bisnis dan industri adalah topik-topik yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana menciptakan keuntungan (profitability) bagi bisnis dan industri, bagaimana meningkatkan kualitas agar memuaskan pelanggan, bagaimana memperbaiki proses bisnis dan industri agar meningkatkan produktivitas, kualitas, efisiensi biaya, serta bagaimana meningkatkan keunggulan sumber daya manusia bagi perusahaan bisnis dan industri? Pada hakekatnya buku-buku yang laris dan akan dibaca oleh Top Management dan/atau Owners perusahaan bisnis dan industri adalah buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan model 5P: Profitability, Products (Goods & Services) Excellence, Processes Excellence, People Excellence, dan Performance Excellence (Continual Performance Improvement).
- Tujuan No. 5 (Objective 5 = O5): Mempromosikan KOMPETENSI VG kepada publik sebagai upaya mencapai Tujuan No. 1 (Objective 1 = O1) yaitu merealisasikan Visi UANG (Usaha Agar Nama Gemilang). Penulisan buku merupakan media GRATIS untuk mempublikasikan KOMPETENSI kita kepada publik (setiap halaman belakang buku VG selalu mencantumkan jasa profesional dan riwayat hidup sebagai seorang profesional di bidang bisnis dan industri).
- Tujuan No. 6 (Objective 6 = O6): Memperoleh PENDAPATAN PASIF berupa royalti hasil penjualan buku-buku yang ditulis itu.
Perhatikan banyak orang yang ketika menulis buku HANYA mengejar Tujuan No. 6 (O6) saja dan kadang-kadang itu merupakan satu-satunya tujuan mereka, sedangkan VG menempatkan pada tujuan terakhir sehingga sekalipun Tujuan No. 6 (O6) mungkin GAGAL atau hasilnya tidak sesuai yang diharapkan, maka masih ada lima tujuan lain (O1 sampai O5) yang PASTI SUCCESS!
TAMPAK jelas bahwa berpikir dan menerapkan konsep Multi Objectives akan meningkatkan Produktivitas (Productivity = Output / Input), sehingga jika banyak orang HANYA memperoleh “satu” SUCCESS, maka kita akan memperoleh “banyak” SUCCESS sekaligus dari sistem bekerja (Input – Processes – Outputs) yang sangat efektif dan sangat efisien ini.
Uraian di atas menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman terhadap Skor SUCCESS akan membuat kita termotivasi untuk menerapkan strategi SUCCESS, sehingga akan terjadi penguatan positif (positive reinforcement) dalam diri kita. Ungkapan berani GAGAL bukan sekedar memiliki mental keberanian TETAPI memiliki alasan rasional berdasarkan perhitungan Skor SUCCESS yang harus memenuhi ambang batas keputusan berisiko seperti memiliki Skor SUCCESS di atas 80%baru aktivitas berisiko itu dilakukan.
Pemahaman Skor SUCCESS akan menjadi sempurna apabila kita mampu mengintegrasikan kecerdasan intelektual, kecerdasan emosional, dan kecerdasan spiritual sebagai satu konsep terintegrasi seperti ditunjukan dalam Bagan 6.
Using SUCCESS Score for Risky Decision Making to Reach SUCCESS
By: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt & Certified Management System Lead Specialist
- APICS (www.apics.org) Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management (CFPIM) and Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP);
- International Quality Federation (www.iqf.org) Six Sigma Master Black Belt (SSMBB);
- ASQ (www.asq.org) Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE), Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), Certified Quality Auditor (CQA), Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB), Certified Quality Improvement Associate (CQIA);
- Registration Accreditation Board (www.exemplarglobal.org) Certified Management System Lead Specialist (CMSLS).
- Senior Member of American Society for Quality (Member #: 00749775), International Member of American Production and Inventory Control Society (Member #: 1023620), and Senior Member of Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (Member #: 880194630).
- Insinyur Profesional Utama (IPU) – Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII) // Primary Professional Engineer – Association of Indonesian Engineers
Many authors define risk as the loss probability multiplied by the amount of loss (in monetary value), so that it is often written as: Risk = p (loss) x value (loss).
The classic definition of risk is the occurrent probability of an undesirable event multiplied by the consequences (losses) of that event.
Furthermore, the concept of risk score calculation is a process in which a risky activity will determine the risk score. A risk score indicates the level of risk associated with a permission to access resources or consideration to use resources (time, money, energy, etc.). This risk score is then compared to the threshold score set in a policy or an objective consideration. Decision is made on the basis of comparisons between risk score against this threshold, where if the risk score is within the tolerable limits, then the decision to use these resources is deemed viable based on the consideration of calculated risks.
Note the following VG’s foundation of thought:
- Probability of FAILURE = 100% – Probability of SUCCESS, means Probability of SUCCESS = 100% – Probability of FAILURE.
- The Value of Loss, if put into the TARGET value measured in percentage of TARGET achievement (ideal = 100%), then would be applied as: Percentage of Loss Value = 100% – Achievement of TARGET Value. This means: SUCCESS Value = Percentage of TARGET Achievement (Ideal is 100%, if more than 100%, then the extra is considered bonus).
Once points 1 and 2 above have been accepted, the SUCCESS Score can be calculated or estimated before an action: SUCCESS Score = Percentage of SUCCESS x Percentage of SUCCESSFUL TARGET Achievement, so that SUCCESS Score will move from 1% to 100%.
Note: 0% is eliminated for the purpose of the application of SUCCESS Score concept and is given to the persons who are AFRAID to FAIL, whom in fact will NOT make any decision; thus deserve to receive SUCCESS Score = 0%.
VG has created a SUCCESS Score mapping diagram by specifying the percentage of SUCCESSFUL TARGET achievement on the vertical axis and Probability of Achieving SUCCESS on the horizontal axis as shown in the attached Chart 1 above.
The process of converting this risk score into SUCCESS score within the critical thinking framework has included the highest level (evaluation), which develops opinions, judgments, and decisions to use in a certain new phenomenon (see Chart 2. Critical Thinking Skills below).
Furthermore, through a policy of personal, team, management, and so on, we can set the tolerance threshold at the level of the SUCCESS score of how much we will make risky decision because we will sacrifice some resources (time, money, energy, etc.) when carrying out that risky activity. Personally, VG will use 80% as the feasible number to implement risky decision.
The problem is what if the SUCCESS score has not reached 80% for the risky decision under consideration?
In the case the SUCCESS Score has not reached 80%, then we HAVE to intervene to: (1) Increase Probability of SUCCESS, and (2) Increase Percentage of SUCCESSFUL Target Achievement, which will be discussed below.
A. Strategy to Increase Probability of SUCCESS
VG always CONSISTENTLY uses PDCA application for SUCCESS in order to increase the Probability of SUCCESS. The use of PDCA for SUCCESS can be found in Chart 3 of PDCA Management Framework for SUCCESS below that is carried out in the following steps:
- Define the Context in that PDCA for SUCCESS. The Context can be school, college, application in a particular field, such as wanting to become a professional in the field of accounting, property, quality, supply chain management, etc. The Context can also be applied to opening new business, developing business, switching profession from employee to investor, etc. Context can also be anything like VG’s decision to send his sons abroad at his own expense. Nevertheless, all risky decisions can be incorporated into the context under consideration.
- Start with a Plan that meets the criteria of: (a) having goals or objectives from the context formulated using the principles of SMARTERS (Specific, Measurable, Achievable through actionable, Result-oriented, Timely, Empowerment and Evaluation, Review and Recognition, Spirituality) b) summarizing all key SUCCESS Factors (KSFs) associated with the context under consideration, and (c) standardizing all key SUCCESS factors (KSFs) into action plan in checklists format or 5W2H format (What, Why, Where, When, Who, How, How much).
- Implement (Do) the action plan containing all the key SUCCESS factors (KSFs), whether in the form of a checklist or 5W2H (What, Why, Where, When, Who, How, How much).
- Between the defined SUCCESS TARGET using the SMARTERS approach in point 1 above with the actual results obtained through the action plan’s implementation of the key SUCCESS factors using checklist or 5W2H (What, Why, Where, When, Who, How, How much).
- Act (Act) using the following two considerations: (a) if the achievement of SUCCESS TARGET does not reach 100%, then do problem solving by double-checking points 1, 2 and 3 above, and (2) if TARGET SUCCESS achievement has reached 100% or more, then make continuous improvement using either small improvement (Kaizen) or breakthrough improvement (Innovation) towards points 1, 2, 3, and 4 above.
If the PDCA for SUCCESS (points 1 – 5) above is done repeatedly, then we will get the real learning in real life (learning for life), there will be Continual Improvement MINDSET and Continual Improvement ATTITUDE; they will form Professional Habits, which will eventually become Professional Character.
B. Strategy to Increase SUCCESS Target Achievement
SUCCESS TARGET Achievement can be improved using PDCA for SUCCESS; moreover, we can use determination of Multi Objectives or Multi Goals approach. FAILED people often work with only single objective/goal.
Chart 4 and Chart 5 show the working pattern of FAILED people versus the working pattern of SUCCESSFUL people. It appears that the FAILED people’s working pattern is like the lines in a notebook, by only setting a single objective in every start of activity. While the SUCCESSFUL people set many goals (multi objectives) when starting a risky activity.
Obviously, the PRODUCTIVITY (PRODUCTIVITY = OUTPUT / INPUT) level of SUCCESSFUL people who set the multi objectives/goals is much higher than the FAILED people who only set a single objective/goal.
Many people often say the following ancient proverbs; BUT only a few people have practiced them, much less to have made those old proverbs to become HABITS as professionals with excellent characters and having EC(Effectiveness of Competence) value above 100%.
- “Sekali merengkuh dayung, dua tiga pulau terlampaui” // “One paddling, two three islands are overstepped” and “sekali tepuk, dua lalat” // “one clap, two flies”. These basically mean that doing something once and getting multiple results simultaenously.
- “Sambil menyelam, minum air” // “While diving, drinking water”. This means doing something while also completing another problem.
- “Sekali membuka pura, dua tiga utang terbayar” // “Once opening a wallet, two, three debts are paid off”. This means once doing an activity, multiple results or profits are obtained simultaneously.
The purpose of establishing “multi objectives” is related to the PRODUCTIVITY improvement everytime during the journey to SUCCESS! In addition, if we set “multi objectives”, we will get many results (outputs), which will also increase the achievement of SUCCESS TARGET when combined properly with PDCA for SUCCESS.
I personally, when doing any risky activity, MUST have multiple goals at once (multi objectives).
For example if I was going to write a PRAKTIS (PRAKtek TIdak Sulit) // PRACTICAL (PRACTICE is not Difficult) book, then the book writing process MUST have the following objectives (multi objectives):
- Objective 1 = O1: Realizing VG’s vision: UANG (Usaha Agar Nama Gemilang) // MONEY (Effort to Make Own Name Excellently Known).
- Objective 2 = O2: Obtaining “Credit Point” in order to retain VG’s own professional titles from APICS-the American Production and Inventory Control Society (every 5 years must be renewed) and ASQ-the American Society for Quality (every three years must be renewed).
- Objective 3 = O3: Acquiring new knowledge in the process of book writing to increase the value of EC (Effectiveness of Competence).
Note: VG NEVER writes a book with the topic that he has already known or mastered, because if this was done, then he would NOT gain new knowledge from the learning process through the writing of that book.
- Objective 4 = O4: Obtaining ACTIVE INCOME through becoming a Consultant and/or Master Coach at companies in the businesses and industries.
Note: because the target readers are Top Management and/or Owners, VG DOES NOT WANT to write complicated and theoretical books because such thing will NOT meet this Objective No. 4, which is to have the opportunity to become a Consultant and/or Master Coach.
Books that will be read by Top Management and/or Owners of companies in the businesses and industries contain topics related to: how to create profitability for businesses and industries; how to improve quality in order to satisfy customers; how to improve businesses and industries’ processes to improve productivity , quality, cost efficiency; and how to improve the human resources excellence for companies. In essence, the bestsellers that will be read by Top Management and/or Owners of companies are books related to the 5P model: Profitability, Products (Goods & Services) Excellence, Processes Excellence, People Excellence, and Performance Excellence (Continual Performance Improvement).
- Objective 5 = O5: Promoting VG’s COMPETENCIES to the public as an effort to achieve Objective 1 = O1, which is to realize the Vision of UANG (Usaha Agar Nama Gemilang) // MONEY (Effort to Make Own Name Excellently Known). Book writing is a FREE medium to publicize own COMPETENCIES to the public (every end pages of VG’s book always include professional services and curriculum vitae as a professional in the businesses and industries).
- Objective 6 = O6: Obtaining PASSIVE INCOME in the form of royalties from the sales of those written books.
Notice that many people, when writing books, ONLY pursue Objective No. 6 (O6) and sometimes that is their sole purpose; whereas VG places such objective as only one goal so that even though Objective No. 6 (O6) may FAIL or the result is not as expected, then there are still five other goals (O1 to O5) that will SURELY be SUCCESSFUL!
It is clear that thinking and applying the concept of Multi Objectives will increase Productivity (Productivity = Output / Input), so that if many people would only get “one/single” SUCCESS, then we will get “many/multiple” SUCCESSES altogether from this very effective and efficient working system (Input – Processes – Outputs).
The above descriptions show that understanding of the SUCCESS Score will motivate us to apply the SUCCESS strategy, so that there will be positive reinforcement within ourselves. The courageous phrase of Dare to FAIL does not just have its mental courage; BUT also have its rational reason based on the calculation of SUCCESS Score that must meet the threshold of a risky decision, such as having a SUCCESS Score above 80% before a new risky activity would be done.
Understanding SUCCESS Score will be perfect if we are able to integrate intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence as an integrated concept as shown in Chart 6 below.