Bahasa Indonesia
Saya sering tersenyum dalam hati ketika ada orang di perguruan tinggi terutama para pimpinannya MASIH mengungkapkan pernyataan berikut: sayang Prof. VG TIDAK memiliki linearitas ilmu, sehingga TIDAK BISA diakui ketika mengajar di Program Magister Manajemen Universitas. Ternyata pendapat seperti ini juga diperkuat oleh Tim Penilai Akreditasi Program Studi di Fakultas/Universitas. Tampaknya memang pemahaman membaca dan menginterpretasikan suatu peraturan di Indonesia MASIH PARAH!
Sebagai kasus pada diri saya pribadi:
- S1: Sarjana Peternakan
- S2: Magister Statistika Terapan
- S3: Doktor Teknik Sistem dan Manajemen (Spesialisasi Teknik Sistem dan Manajemen Industri)
- Guru Besar: Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Manajerial
Jika melihat latar belakang pendidikan saya di atas: apakah masih ada orang meragukan jika saya mengajar mata kuliah Ekonomi Manajerial, Manajemen, Metode Kuantitatif? Saya telah mempublikasikan lebih dari 40 (empat puluh) buku teks dalam bidang ilmu Ekonomi Manajerial, Manajemen, dan Metode Kuantitatif, serta ratusan paper ilmiah dalam bidang ilmu manajemen. Padahal dalam bidang peternakan BELUM ada satupun publikasi saya, karena saya memang telah “meninggalkan” bidang ilmu Peternakan sejak 1983, ketika menempuh pendidikan formal Pascasarjana (S2) dalam bidang Statistika Terapan.
Jika ada yang MASIH ngotot dengan pendapat yang SALAH tentang Linearitas Ilmu sejak S1, maka Silakan baca surat edaran dari Dirjen Dikti pada tanggal 17 Oktober 2014 terlampir, agar TIDAK lagi mempertahankan pendapat yang SALAH KAPRAH itu.
Secara logika, jika interpretasi bidang ilmu S1, S2, dan S3 HARUS sama, maka TIDAK mungkin SK Guru Besar saya dalam bidang ilmu Ekonomi Manajerial pada Fakultas Ekonomi akan diterbitkan oleh Menteri Pendidikan Nasional tahun 2002. Bagaimana mungkin SK Guru Besar dalam bidang ilmu Ekonomi Manajerial TIDAK memiliki kewenangan mengajar bidang ilmu ekonomi manajerial dibandingkan mereka yang lulusan S1 Ekonomi, S2 Ekonomi, maupun S3 Ekonomi?. He he tetapi itulah Indonesia, interpretasi suka-suka TANPA memahami dan membaca peraturan tertulis yang ada.
Surat Edaran dari Dirjen Dikti tanggal 11 Agustus 2014 juga TELAH menerangkan hal-hal yang jelas tentang linearitas ilmu. TETAPI surat edaran tanggal 11 Agustus 2014 itu BELUM juga dipahami, sehingga diterbitkan lagi surat edaran tanggal 17 Oktober 2014 yang lebih JELAS lagi. TETAPI demikianlah FAKTA yang berkembang sampai sekarang, yaitu: interpretasi suka-suka sesuai selera pribadi TANPA memahami (atau sengaja TIDAK MAU paham: Gagal Paham) tentang istilah linearitas ilmu itu.
Misguided, But Stubbornly Consider The Opinions of Higher Education Management (Head of Study Program, Dean, Rector) to be True in Indonesia!
I often smiled inwardly when there was someone in an university, which its leaders STILL revealed the following statement: “Too bad, Prof. VG DOESN’T have linearity knowledge; thus, CANNOT be recognized when teaching in University’s Master of Management Program”. It turns out, opinion like this is also reinforced by Study Program Accreditation Assessment Team in Faculties/Universities. It seems that the understanding to read and to interpret a rule in Indonesia is STILL SEVERE!
As a case, on me personally:
- Undergraduate: Bachelor of Livestock Science
- Post Graduate: Master of Applied Statistics
- Doctorate: Doctor of Systems Engineering and Management (Systems Engineering and Industrial Management Specialization)
- Professor: Managerial Economics Science
By looking at my educational background above, are there still people who doubt me if I teach Managerial Economics, Management, Quantitative Method courses? I have published more than 40 (forty) textbooks in the field of Managerial Economics, Management, and Quantitative Method, as well as hundreds of scientific papers in the field of management. Whereas in the field of livestock science, there is YET none of my publication, because I indeed have “left” the field of livestock science since 1983, when pursuing the formal education of Postgraduate in the field of Applied Statistics.
If there are people who are STILL stubborn with the wrong opinion about Linearity Studies since undergraduate, then please read the attached circular letter from Director General of Higher Education on October 17, 2014, so that you NO longer defend that mistaken opinion.
Logically, if the interpretation of the fields of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate ought to be the same, then it would NOT be possible that my Professor Decree in the field of Managerial Economics at the Faculty of Economics would be issued by Minister of National Education in 2002. How could Professor Decree in the field of Managerial Economics NOT have the authority to teach managerial economics than those who graduated from undergraduate Economics, postgraduate Economics, and doctorate Economics? But that is Indonesia, up-to-whoever interpretation WITHOUT understanding and reading the existing written rule.
Circular letter from Director General of Higher Education dated August 11, 2014, HAS also explained clear matters about linearity knowledge. HOWEVER, that August 11, 2014, circular letter has not YET been well understood, so that another even CLEARER circular letter dated October 17, 2014, was published again. YET, that is the FACT that has developed until now, which is: up-to-whoever interpretation according to personal taste WITHOUT understanding (or deliberately NOT WANTING to understand: Fail to Understand) the terms of that linearity knowledge.
Best Regards for SUCCESS.